Soooo I've been thinking about doing a craft blog for quite some time now....and I decided to just reboot my (admittedly, severely neglected) old blog that was suppose to help people keep up with us as we moved up here to WA a few years ago. Life got busy and blogging went by the wayside after three little posts, I'm afraid! While life has not gotten any slower for us (it's only gotten busier!!), I've decided that blogging would be a good avenue of self-care. Additionally, everyone always asks to see pics of my projects and instructions on making them, so this is where I'll be posting those.
Most of my posts will probably involve some form of the phrase "it's so easy!". My friends always give me a hard time because after I make something (be it food or craft), I usually end up saying that. Thing is, it's totally true!! I don't have time for super involved projects or recipes, so the easier, the better. Also, I really had to LEARN how to do this stuff. As much as I wish I was just born with the crafty touch, I wasn't. I learned it. And if I can do this stuff, anyone can do this stuff! I have an almost compulsive need to make stuff cute, and I'm more than happy to help others catch that little cute bug too.
I mentioned time, or lack thereof, earlier in this post. Being a grad student, pastor's wife, doxie mommy, and intern has me running around most of the time, and I squeeze projects in where I can. That said, I do apologize if there are large gaps of time between posts....I'm gonna shoot for one at least every other week, but I can't make any promises that that will happen. I'll do my best though! I will try to post pics with every project, and I'll definitely include instructions. I don't have a project at this moment to post, but I have a few ideas brewing and will hopefully get one up here by next weekend.
Sola Deo Gloria!